Thursday, February 9, 2012

Autumn is obviously has to sleep with me...lets just say she wasnt quite perky on the airplane aka...sick(puking)

My 6 year old little sister,Autumn had a was pretty bad...but it got worse so lets just say she was hiccuping hard enough to be... will I all think you know what I mean , what I mean by that and I have too be the one sleeping with puking kid...whups I just told you what my little sis just did. I'm on a airplane to Arizona for vacation and I will try to keep u updated on here this might be goodbye until next Tuesday (that's when I'm coming back from Las Vegas).

Crazy flights are pretty crazy

Hi old friends now were all new friends and I'm currently flying on a aircraft to Phoenix, Arizona

Arizonians,Arizonians,Arizonians and confusion

Monday, January 9, 2012

Harry Potter

I have finished all the Harry Potter books and movies. Now on to a new series!:)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Happy Autumn!

It's Autumn everyone. Today we were watching a show about designing, so we decided to decorate for Fall. We put tablecloths, and decor around the condo.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I just got to California, I went to see some friends, my mom's best friend Amanda we call her Auntie. Her kids call my mom Auntie Jen. We are going to have a blast! We might see some other friend's that live in Pasadena, we're in Orange County. I'll keep you posted because they're at least three computers.